Chart of Statutory Changes_AB 340 (PDF)
Uploaded on Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Conference Committee Hearing - Subject: Public Employee Pensions
6 p.m., State Capitol, Room 4203
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Joint Informational Hearing - Subject: Pension Reform and the 37 Act Retirement Systems - Exploring Issues Unique to those Systems, and Examining Statewide Pension Benefit Policy for Elected Officials
Chaffey College Community Center
5890 College Park Avenue, Room 101
Chino, CA 91710
1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Here is a link to the archived/recorded hearing:
Overview of the '37 Act Retirement Systems
Speaker - Robert Palmer, Chief Executive Officer, State Association of County Retirement Systems (SACRS)
Compensation Issues - Pension Spiking and the Ventura Decision
Speakers - Richard Stensrud, Chair, SACRS Legislative Committee
Harvey Leiderman, Reed Smith LLP
Creative Plan Designs
Speakers - Gregg Rademacher, Chief Executive Officer, Los Angeles County Employees' Retirement Association (LACERA)
Ann Holdren, Chief Executive Officer, Kern County Employees' Retirement Association (KCERA)
Bill Campbell, Supervisor, Orange County
- LACERA - A Sustainable Retirement Plan (Power Point Presentation, PDF)
- KCERA - Kern County Hybrid Plan Design "Tier II" (PDF)
- Bill Campbell's Opening Statement (PDF)
Overview of the Various Policies Regarding Pension Benefits for Elected Officials
Speakers - Jason Sisney, Deputy Legislative Analyst, Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO)
Paul McIntosh, Executive Director, Californa State Association of Counties (CSAC)
Dwight Stenbakken, Deputy Executive Director, League of California Cities (LCC)
- LAO Report: Examining Statewide Pension Benefit Policy of Elected Officials (PDF)
- League of California Cities Handout (PDF)
- LCC - General Law City Elected Officials Salary and Benefits Chart (PDF)
- LCC - Charter City Elected Officials Salary and Benefits Chart (PDF)
Informational Item
Summary list of additional items under consideration for inclusion in the Conference Committee Report
Joint Informational Hearing - Subject: Examining the Impact of Increasing Normal Retirement Age
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
A National Perspective:
Speaker - Ron Snell, Senior Fellow, National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)
Public Retirement Systems' Perspective:
Speakers - Ann Boynton, Deputy Executive Officer, Benefit Programs, Policy and Planning, California Public Employees' Retirement System
Ed Durman, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Plan Design and Communication, California State Teachers' Retirement System (CalSTRS)
- Testimony of Ann Boynton, Deputy Executive Officer for CalPERS (PDF)
- CalPERS 50% Replacement Ratio Chart-DBDC (PDF)
Equality and Related Issues:
Speaker - Ken Jacobs, Chair, UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education Institute for Research on Labor and Employment
- Retirement Age and Inequality (PowerPoint)
- Viewpoints: Raising the Retirement Age Increases Inequality (Sac Bee Editorial 12/1/2011) (PDF)
- Life Expectancy in CA Diverse Population: Recent Estimates by Race/Ethnicity and Neighborhood Social Class (PDF)
- CEPR Report: The Impact of Income Distribution on the Length of Retirement (PDF)
Joint Informational Hearing - Subject: Exploring Hybrid Plan Design Options
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Hybrid Pension Plans - A National Perspective:
Speaker - Keith Brainard, Research Director, National Association of State Retirement Administrators (NASRA)
- NASRA Issue Brief: State Hybrid Retirement Plans (PDF)
- Developing a Policy for Retirement Plan Design Options (1999, 2007) (COBRA) (PDF)
- Essential Design Elements of Hybrid Retirement Plans (2008) (COBRA) (PDF)
Examining the Hybrid Plan for a Federal Worker:
Speaker - Diane Oakley, Executive Director, National Institute on Retirement Security
Examining the California State Teachers' Retirement System Hybrid Plan:
Speaker - Ed Durman, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Plan Design and Communication, California State Teachers' Retirement System (CalSTRS)
Joint Informational Hearing - Subject: Examining the Governor's Twelve Point Pension Reform Plan
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Presentation of the Governor's Twelve Point Plan:
Speakers - Governor Jerry Brown
Marty Morgenstern, Secretary, California Labor and Workforce Development Agency
Michael Cohen, Chief Deputy Director, California Department of Finance
Legislative Analyst's Office Analysis:
Speaker - Jason Sisney, Deputy Legislative Analyst, Legislative Analyst's Office
California Public Employees' Retirement System Analysis:
Speakers - Alan Milligan, Chief Actuary, California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS)
Ann Boynton, Deputy Executive Office, Benefit Programs, Policy and Planning, California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS)
- A Preliminary Analysis of Governor Brown's Twelve Point Pension Reform Plan (PDF)
- A Guide to Pension Facts (PDF)
- The Impact of Closing the Defined Benefit Plan at CalPERS (PDF)
- Vested Rights of CalPERS Members (PDF)
California State Teachers' Retirement System Analysis:
Speaker - Ed Durman, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Plan Design and Communication, California State Teachers' Retirement System (CalSTRS)
1937 Act Retirement Systems Analysis:
Speaker - Richard Stensrud, Chair, Legislative Committee, State Association of County Retirement Systems (SACRS)
University of California Analysis:
Speakers - Nathan Brostrom, Executive Vice President, Business Operations, University of California, Office of the President
Gary Schlimgen, Director, Human Resources, Pension and Retirement Programs, University of California, Office of the President
Employer Perspective:
Speakers - Dwight Stenbakken, Deputy Executive Director, League of California Cities
Eraina Ortega, Legislative Representative, Employee Relations, California State Association of Counties
Iris Herrera, Legislative Advocate, California Special Districts Association
Employee Perspective:
Speakers - Lt. Ron Cottingham, President, Peace Officers Research Association of California
Maggie Ellis, President, Elk Grove Teachers Association
Steve Koffroth, Business Representative, AFSCME District Council 36
Jai Sookprasert, Assistant Director for Government Relations, California School Employees Association
Ted Toppin, Legislative Director, Professional Engineers in California Government and California Association of Professional Scientists
Joint Informational Hearing - Subject: Current Condition of Public Employee Benefits and Reform Efforts
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
State Employees Benefits:
Speakers - Desi Rodrigues, Principal Retirement Benefit Policy Consultant, Department of Personnel Administration
Yvonne R. Walker, President, SEIU Local 1000
Aaron Read, Legislative Advocate, CDF Firefighters and California Association of Highway Patrolmen
Local Employer Perspective:
Speakers - Ron Gould, City Manager, City of Santa Monica
Eraina Ortega, Legislative Representative, California State Association of Counties
Kyle Packham, Legislative Director, California Special Districts Association
Local Employee Benefits - CalPERS Contracting Agencies:
Speakers - Ann Boynton, Deputy Executive Officer, Benefit Programs Policy and Planning, California Public Employees' Retirement System
Terry Brennand, Senior Government Relations Advocate, SEIU California
Rich Brandt, President, Long Beach Firefighters